By Steve Moran

A number of months ago, I asked the Senior Living Foresight team to come up with new ideas that would make us even better. We came up with an amazing list.

Some of which we have done, some of which are still on the “To-Do” list, and a few that were great ideas but didn’t fit the mission.

One of those that has been sitting on the shelf waiting for the right time was to publish good news stories from senior living. It was always a great suggestion and it continues to puzzle me that we see so few of them.

We recently received this one from Thrive and are using it to kickstart a new occasional series of Good News, i. e., positive stories from the world of senior living and aging. We need more inspiring stories, they keep us going and honestly they help with the marketing of senior living.





One more thing, if you have a good news story we should be telling, we would love to hear about it.